IndieMission #5 Lineup

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlepersons, it’s that time again, #IndieMission is here!! We took a list of Indie Authors and randomly chose 24 contenders! Here is your lineup, with voting to begin each weekday at 2:00 PM CT until a winner is chosen!!! Each bracket will have a faceoff each day until the final 4, soContinue reading “IndieMission #5 Lineup”

IndieMission Pt. 4

Laura and Hannah are doing another IndieMission after we Peak into the Greenbone Saga! And we are about to hit the last book in TGS, and need time to buy the book for IndieMission (and support all the authors!!!). For everyone who is new here (hello new listeners and authors!!), Indie Intermission is a timeContinue reading “IndieMission Pt. 4”